From the Prayer Closet:
Ascending Visions, Prayers, and Mystical Unity-Visions, mystical experiences, and spiritual manifestations change us, and as we pray, they are ongoing occurrences. We don't even think much about them anymore; they are just some of those ongoing parts of intercession. Heartwarming Spirit-led insights, divine appointments, music arising, miracles occurring, and healing taking place are normative parts of our prayer experience. Impossibilities are slowly transformed into possibilities as we and the world of those for whom we pray are reshaped. Is that reshaping according to our likes and dislikes? No. Is God's plan different than we would like or request? Oftentimes. However, watching the Spirit reshape lives creates awesome beauty in each life for whom we pray. Amen.
"While they were stoning him, Stephen prayed, 'Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.' Then he fell on his knees and cried out, 'Lord, do not hold this sin against them.' When he had said this, he fell asleep." (Acts 7:59-60, NIV)
Pray-ers Note:
The Power of Praying Beyond-Like the people of the world, we often get caught in today's struggles, forgetting that these too will pass. We need to remember this as we attempt to weigh out the ways in which we spend our time. Is praying more important than some of our mundane daily activities? Is investing in the eternal more important than the momentary experiences that life offers? God loves enough to allow us to choose.
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